Findern Footpaths Group

Workparty Activity
We are always out and about on our footpaths or working in our conservation areas. Come along, have a chat, share your ideas or even join us
Next workparty will be on Tuesday 17th October meeting on Lower Green behind Find cafe at 2.00 pm.
We will be putting canes on small trees and removing self sets prior to flailing on the banks at the bottom of Crow Park Way. A gentle afternoon.
Thursday 12th October 9.30am
If you fancy volunteering your time and energy to help out your community, join us on Wednesday.
We recommend that you wear long sleeves and trousers, sensible shoes (toes covered) and gardening gloves. Secateurs will also be handy in this work party.
We will be meeting on Lower Green behind find cafe at 9.30am.
See you there!
🌱 Wednesday 30th September 9.30am
We will be weeding some hedging plants. Meet us behind Find cafe on Lower Green
Gardening gloves and secateurs recommended. We look forward to seeing you.
🌱work party
🌱 Looking for a way to help the environment? Come and volunteer with us on Sunday 27th August 9.30am
Meet behind Parish Rooms on Lower Green
🦋 We will be having a work party which means we will be getting our hands dirty to tidy up areas in preparation for the memorial walk for Murray's Independent Funeral Directors, taking place on Saturday 2nd September.
Please bring gardening gloves and wear long sleeves and trousers to protect yourself from scratches and nettles. All ages welcome, under 18s please bring an adult with you.
🦔 We look forward to seeing you there!
🌱 This Tuesday (18th) and Sunday (23rd)
Get your gardening gloves out and your green fingers ready, we’re going to do some weeding in Stanhope Wood.
Meet at 9.30am behind the Parish Rooms.
We look forward to seeing you there! 🌳
🐘 Don’t Forget! 🐘
We have a work party coming up this Saturday (24th)🌸 Meet behind Parish Rooms (Find cafe) at 9.30am We will be installing and filling water butts to keep our plants nice and hydrated
💦 See you there! 🦋
🌱 work party 🌱
There's a work party coming up: Saturday 24th June. Meet behind the Parish Rooms (Find cafe) at 9.30am. We will be watering those thirsty plants. 🌻 Sturdy covered shoes are recommended, along with a sunhat to protect you from the sun ☀️ . You might want to bring a bottle of water for yourself, and gardening gloves are a good idea too. We look forward to seeing you there!
🌱 work party 🌱
🦋 Tuesday 6th June and Saturday 10th June
Come and help us maintain the hedgerows we have recently planted. 🌳
🦔 Meet behind Parish Rooms on Lower Green at 10am.
We recommend you wear sturdy shoes, light clothing with long sleeves, and bring some gardening gloves! 🐞
🌱 work party 🌱
Saturday 27th May
Meet at 10am on Lower Green behind the Parish Rooms Come prepared for weeding 🪴 and watering 💦
🌱 Work party
Thursday 25th May 10am
🌱 Our plants are thirsty! Let’s get them watered💧 Meet us on Lower Green at 10am behind the Parish Rooms (Find café) Even in good weather, we recommend wearing long sleeves and long trousers to protect your skin from nettles 🌿
🌱 Work Party! 🌱
Saturday 13th May, 10am
Join us for some more outdoor fun and community involvement!
🐴 Meet us at the stables on Crow Park way; please don’t wait at Lower Green as usual because we won’t be there! 🐴
💦 Our job will be filling up water containers to make sure all our plants can be watered if we get a very dry spell. 🌞
24th, 25th and 26th March
Come along to one or more of our work parties. We will be planting the rest of the hawthorn whips in Stanhope Wood. These will create a hedge which will be a good source of food, shelter and safety for birds and other creatures.
There is a lot to do before Spring fully arrives, so we will be meeting on Friday 24th, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th March at 9.45-12.00.
Don’t feel you have to stay quite so long, but all help would be much appreciated to get these in before April. Even if you can only spare a half an hour we would be more than grateful.
Meet us behind Find café at 9.45am. We recommend bringing gardening gloves, boots, long sleeves and a trowel with you.
We look forward to seeing you there!
25th February 10.00
We will be landscaping around Cardales pond.
We look forward to seeing you! We meet on Lower Green behind Find cafe.
See you there
🐝 Work party dates for your diary
🐝 Saturdays in March: 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th and Saturday 1st of April.
We will be landscaping around the Cardales pond, planting on the butterfly Bank, sowing wild flower seed as well as other little tasks that need doing. 🦋
Saturday 11th
This morning we have been very busy laying turf around the memory tree and planting teasels in Cardale’s meadow. A bit of honeysuckle also went in for good measure.

Saturday 4th February
We held a workparty at the bottom of Cardales Meadow pulling up weeds and roots in the new wildflower area near Cardales pond in preparation for wildflower seeding in the near future. We had a good turnout today.
21st January
A successful work party this morning, moving some stones and pallets down to the pond area in Cardales meadow to make some bee and bug hotels in the spring.
A big THANK YOU to the volunteers from Peak 4x4 Response who helped us move the heavy items and gave up their time in the cold and mist. It was very much appreciated.
8th January
Some of the group planting bluebells and wood anemones, clearing the forest floor to give light to existing primroses, and clearing plastic tree guards from Stanhope Wood.